Archive for the Environment Category

Bridging the Gap: The View from Scotland 

In the UK, food produced using organic methods often costs more than food produced using chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Bridging the Gap, led by Sustain, Growing Communities, and Alexandra Rose Charity, alongside national partners Food Sense Wales, Nourish NI and Nourish Scotland, seeks to address this by

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What kind of a meat-eater are you and how willing and able are you to swap meat out of your meals?

There is a range of reasons for reducing our meat intake that is currently making headlines in the news e.g. its contribution to climate emissions, nutritionists’ health recommendations, animal welfare activists’ concerns around our meat production methods. For sure, messaging around the need to reduce meat intake

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#ScotPfG: food system digest

Today’s Programme for Government (PfG) offers welcome measures to mitigate the impact of the cost of living crisis on food insecurity. It also promises further action for more nature friendly farming, forestry and fishing. Food is scattered in other portfolios too, and it is clear that the

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How can we make ‘Local Food for Everyone’ a reality?

The Scottish Government is currently on consultation overdrive, but 4 key consultations fit so closely together that it’s almost impossible to respond to one without referring to the others. In the words of Scottish Government: ‘Agricultural Transition in Scotland’ asks us to consider a successor to the

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