Dignity in Practice
In partnership with the Poverty Truth Community, we are working alongside community food initiatives and people with experience of food insecurity put dignity at the heart of community food provision.
Local and nutritious bread
We are working with Scotland the Bread to make locally produced, nutritious bread more accessible to communities across Scotland.
Farming for 1.5C Inquiry
The Aim of the Inquiry is to find consensus on the best way forward for Scottish agriculture to meet the challenge of limiting global warming to 1.5°C.
Our Right to Food
This project aims to make it easier for everyone in Scotland to afford the food that keeps them healthy and well. It starts by understanding what people in Scotland would choose as a healthy and enjoyable way to eat so that we can better identify how to make this accessible for all.
Agroecology: Strengthening Livelihoods
We have set up a farmer-to-farmer knowledge exchange program to support producers to transition to agroecology, farming in ways that are good for people and planet.
Working with Nature Friendly Farming Network, Landworkers Alliance, Soil Association, Propagate, Scottish Crofting Federation & Pasture for Life.
South Asian Nitrogen Hub
SANH is a partnership under the UK Global Challenge Research Fund (GCRF) that brings together 32 leading research organisations with project engagement partners from the UK and South Asia.
Meaningful Participation Panel
We have developed a panel of experts by experience on participation processes. This panel is made up of a diverse group of people who can advise you on how to make your participation processes more inclusive, diverse and equitable.