Public Consultations
- Agriculture Bill (December 2022)
- Land reform (September 2022) + supplement
- Restricting promotions on food and drink high in fat, sugar or salt (September 2022)
- Biodiversity strategy (September 2022)
- Delivering Scotland’s circular economy: a consultation on proposals for a Circular Economy Bill (August 2022)
- Ending the Need for Food Banks national plan (January 2022)
- Good Food Nation: proposals for legislation (January 2022)
- Local Food for Everyone (November 2021)
- The regulation of genetic technologies (March 2021)
- Welfare of animals in transport (February 2021)
- Climate Change (Scotland) Bill: Sectoral Evidence (agriculture) for the Environment, Climate Change, and Land Reform Committee (November 2018)
- Stability and Simplicity: Support for Agriculture and the Rural Economy – Post Brexit Transition: Consultation Response (August 2018).
- Climate Change (Scotland) Bill: Stage 1 Evidence to the Environment, Climate Change, and Land Reform Committee (August 2018)
- Welfare Foods: Consultation Response (June 2018)
- Health and Harmony (UK Gov): Consultation Response (May 2018)
- Compulsory closed circuit TV recording of slaughter at abattoirs in Scotland: Consultation Response (April 2018)
- Planning (Scotland) Bill: Stage 1 Evidence to the Local Government and Communities Committee (February 2018)
- ‘A Healthier Future: Action and Ambitions on Diet, Activity and Healthy Weight’: Consultation Response (January 2018)
- Food and Drink Budget: Evidence to the Rural Economy and Connectivity Committee (December 2017)
- Guidance to Local Authorities on Part 9 of the Community Empowerment Act: Consultation Response (November 2017)
- Climate Change (Scotland) Bill: Consultation Response (September 2017)
- Socio-Economic Duty: Consultation Response (September 2017)
- Office for National Statistics Consultation on the Sustainable Development Goals: Response (September 2017)
- Social Security (Scotland) Bill: Evidence to the Social Security Committee (August 2017)
- ‘Talking Fracking’ Consultation on Unconventional Oil and Gas: Response (May 2017)
- Review of the Scottish Government’s National Outcomes: Consultation Response (April 2017)
- Land Rights and Responsibilities Statement: Consultation Response (March 2017)
- Climate Change (Scotland) Bill: Consultation Response to the UK Committee on Climate Change (February 2017)
- Climate Change Plan (RPP3): Evidence to the Rural Economy & Connectivity Committee (February 2017)
- Statutory review of the Groceries Code Adjudicator (Part 1): Consultation Response (January 2017)
- Extending the remit of the Groceries Code Adjudicator (Part 2): Consultation Response (January 2017)
- Evidence on Obesity for the Health and Sport Committee, Scottish Parliament (December 2016)
- Response to the Economy, Jobs, and Fair Work Committee, Scottish Parliament (November 2016)
- Response to the Scottish Government’s Social Security consultation (October 2016)
- Response to the UN Universal Periodic Review (September 2016)
- Response to the Scottish Government’s Child Poverty Bill consultation (September 2016)
- Response to the Scottish Government’s Future of Scottish Agriculture consultation (March 2016)
- Response to Food Standards Scotland draft strategy and corporate plan (March 2016)
- Response to the Scottish Government Land Use Strategy Consultation (Jan 2016)
- Submission to the Fairer Scotland National Conversation (December 2015)
- Briefing paper on the Scottish Government’s Future of Agriculture discussion paper (October 2015)
- Response to the Edinburgh and South East Scotland Development Plan (SESPlan) September 2015
- Submission to the Scottish Parliament Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Envionment Committee on the Land Reform (Scotland) Bill (August 2015)
- Response to the Scottish Government’s consultation on wild fisheries reform (July 2015)
- Response to the NHS Lothian Catering Strategy Consultation (June 2015)
- Response to the Consultation on Changes to the Public Procurement Rules in Scotland, (April 2015)
- Consultation on Proposed draft Climate Change (Reporting on Climate Change Duties) (Scotland) Order 2015 (March 2015)
- Response to the Public Health Review Group’s Engagement Paper (March 2015)
- Response to the Scottish Government’s Land Reform consultation, (January 2015)
- Good Food Nation consultation Nourish response; annex A log frame diagram (summarising the relationships of policies, actions and expected results for becoming a good food nation on one page), Annex C: consultation process summary (summary of themes emerging from the eight Good Food Nation meetings Nourish undertook in September throughout the country). This consultation response was submitted in October 2014.
- Submission to the Scottish Parliament on the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Bill
- Submission to All-Party Parliamentary Inquiry into Hunger and Food Poverty (July 2014)
- Nourish Scotland Briefing paper – Becoming a Good Food Nation (July 2014)
- Stage 1 response to the Food Scotland Bill – final – stage 1 submission to the Scottish Parliament Health and Sport Committee, submitted April 25 2014
- Rural Affairs and the Environment (RAE) Consultation on the Research Strategy for 2016-2021, submitted 24 April 2014
- Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) pillar 1 consultation, submitted February 2014
- Scottish Rural Development Programme (SRDP) CAP pillar 2 consultation, submitted February 2014
- CAP and SRDP submission to the Rural Affairs and Climate Change Committee, submitted February 2014
- Community Empowerment Bill responses to chapter 3 and chapter 4 of the consultation, submitted January 2014
- CAP mini consultation – transfer of funds from Pillar I to Pillar II, submitted 12 December 2013
- UK food security, written evidence to the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee, submitted December 2013
- Procurement Reform (Scotland) Bill, written evidence, submitted November 2013
- Land reform in Scotland, written evidence to the Scottish Affairs Committee, submitted October 2013
- EU consultation on the Sustainability of the Food System, submitted September 2013
- Scottish Climate Change Adaptation Programme, submitted September 2013
- The revised Scottish Planning Policy (SPP) and third National Planning Framework (NPF3), submitted July 2013
- Joint response to the Scottish Rural Development Programme (SRDP) (Nourish, Fife Diet, Scottish Crofting Federation, Soil Association), submitted June 2013
- Creating a new food body, submitted May 2013
- The Legislative Framework Governing Allotments, submitted May 2013
- Land Reform Review Group
- Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) Reform
- Scottish Government’s Land Use Strategy