Agroecology: strengthening livelihoods

Agroecology, farming with nature, is a way of farming that can strengthen the livelihoods of food producers and increase the resilience of our food systems. It can also help tackle the biodiversity and climate emergencies and towards Scotland’s vision of sustainable and regenerative agriculture.  (see: agroecology in Scotland Policy Brief )

The policy context is changing, and farmers are increasingly being asked to deliver environmental benefits.

More and more farmers, crofters and growers across Scotland are interested in implementing agroecological practices. But it’s not always easy to find the support needed to try out different ways of farming. Many food producers want this  to be peer-to-peer learning, with farmers leading the way.

Farmer to Farmer – Knowledge Exchange Programme:

From 2023 to 2024 we  developed a peer-to-peer knowledge exchange programme for food producers to come together and learn with each other. We visited each other’s farms, met and shared lunch together. Farmers shared lessons from implementing different agroecological practices – from transitioning to agroforestry, to implementing herbal leys and managing common grazings. They also shared advice on  how to  increase biodiversity while ensuring profitability. Read the report here

Agroecology Learning Resources

Visit our library where you’ll find videos, podcasts and more. Learn about agroecological practices by hearing from the farmers, crofters and growers implementing them.

Find out more

These are the 7 groups / networks we ran, get in touch with the relevant person to find out more!

Market Gardening Group

Non-region specific. More info:

Agroforestry Group

Non-region specific. More

Supporting Biodiversity within Island-Based Farming & Crofting Group

Islay, Jura, Gigha and Colonsay.  More info:

Crofting Townships Group

Caithness and Sutherland. More info:

Soil Health Group

South West Scotland. More info:

Biodiversity & Profitability Group

Scottish Borders. More info:

Grazing Group

Non-region specific. More info:

Multi-topic farm visits

Non-region specific. More info:

Join us online

We are developing a series of 6 webinars on agroecology September – January. You can expect  in-depth conversations and panel dicussions on topics like common grazings, agroforestry & farming in a changing climate.

Agroecology: Strenghetning Livelihoods, expands on previous work undertaken over 2022/23 under the  Agroecology: Enabling the Transition project and 2021/22 under the Agroecology: Facilitating Mindset Change project.