Archive for the Uncategorized Category

What kind of a meat-eater are you and how willing and able are you to swap meat out of your meals?

There is a range of reasons for reducing our meat intake that is currently making headlines in the news e.g. its contribution to climate emissions, nutritionists’ health recommendations, animal welfare activists’ concerns around our meat production methods. For sure, messaging around the need to reduce meat intake

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Baking in Community

It’s Real Bread Week and we’re celebrating all things sourdough with our new community baking project. We’re delighted to be teaming up with one of our members, Scotland the Bread – a project growing better grain and baking better bread with the common purposes of nourishment, sustainability

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Good Food Nation Engagement Begins

Kitchen Table Talks, #GoodFoodNation, What are you top 5 priorities for the Bill?

Nourish Scotland Press Release Tuesday 6 February 12:00 The Scottish Food Coalition launched their public engagement on the Good Food Nation Bill today. The Kitchen Table Talks engagement will explore public priorities for a good food nation in preparation for the Government’s consultation.   Pete Ritchie, Executive

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