Archive for the Uncategorized Category

Conference Report – Feeding the five million

Queen Margaret University Exterior copyright QMU

The Nourish 2013 conference report ‘Feeding the five million’ summarises the work of eight teams over two days. The teams in turn drew on both their own sector knowledge and the evidence from 15 expert witnesses. The report is intended to advance the debate between national government, the

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Join the Nourish Scotland online community

sweet peas against a blue sky

Connect to others who are interested in local food. Invite other local food activists and food groups to join up! Join the Nourish Scotland online community. The Declaration of Dunbar We are working towards a sustainable Scotland in which, in every region we produce more of what we eat

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Project Broccoli

So we’ve been exploring the Broccoli glut and the issue of food waste. The unusually chilly spring (remember that?) produced a glut of the brassica, which means Scottish growers are harvesting three times as much as normal, but in the heatwave, no one is buying it. Most

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Purple pros

As the queues lengthen at UK food banks, it’s good to see that the UK government’s media machine is still trying to revive the sickly corpse of GMOs in Europe as the technical solution to the political and economic problem of hunger.  What better medicine than purple

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