Nourish Scotland Press Release
For Immediate Release Thursday 26.10.2017, 16:30
NGOs welcomed the Scottish Government’s launch of consultation on an ambitious Diet and Obesity Strategy. [1]
The Public Health Minister’s statement in Parliament emphasised the Government’s intention to look at the whole food environment – taking a much tougher approach than that adopted by Westminster last year.
Pete Ritchie, Executive Director at Nourish Scotland, said:
“It’s clear from the statement made in Parliament today that food is now top of the public health agenda.
“The consultation covers promotions and advertising, but also looks beyond this to wider challenges such as the ubiquity of unhealthy food outlets.
“We know that just regulating food High in Fat, Sugar and Salt won’t necessarily mean people are able to eat more of the healthy food – we’re pleased the consultation is looking at planning powers and how our built environment can be one of the greatest determinants of our choices.
“Earlier this week the Public Health Minister was at our Vegetable Summit, one of the panellists there shared a story about how difficult it can be to find vegetables in some of our most deprived communities.
“People don’t have the time or money to spend on bus fare to travel and find healthy food – this needs to be planned in to our communities.
“The £42 million for weight management interventions announced in the Programme for Government needs to support people living with diet related illness to be able to access the food they need to live well.
“This is also a great opportunity to boost Healthy Start and link with the First Minister’s ambition on Scotland being the best place to grow up.
“It’s really important that the Strategy is linked up with Scotland’s producers – we agree with the Minister on this: food cuts across the usual boundaries of ministerial portfolios.
“We will all need to work together to make Scotland a Good Food Nation, in which everyone is able to afford a healthy and sustainable diet.”
Notes to Editors:
[1] Consultation on the Diet and Obesity Strategy was launched today (26 October 2017). The full document is available on the Scottish Government’s website:
Elli Kontorravdis, Policy & Campaigns Manager
0131 285 1795, 07432 601324
Nourish Scotland
Nourish Scotland is a food justice NGO advocating for a fairer, healthier and more sustainable food system. We are calling for a cross-cutting and rights-based approach in the forthcoming Good Food Nation Bill.